Sunday, July 18, 2004

Militants Burn Building in Protest Aimed at Arafat

Continuing to feel the repercussions of their long dance with the terror devil, the Palestinian Authority continued to scramble amid protests over their latest display of cronyism.
Members of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades burned down offices of the Palestinian intelligence services Sunday in southern Gaza, protesting a security shake-up announced by Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.

The Palestinian Authority president announced a major restructuring of security services Saturday.

The changes included consolidating more than 12 security agencies into three main units and replacing two top security officials. One was replaced with Arafat's cousin, Musa Arafat.

Within hours of Saturday's announcement, leaders of Arafat's Fatah movement in southern Gaza resigned and about 2,000 demonstrators took to the streets, many of them armed, accusing Arafat of replacing "corruption with more corruption."
I don't yet believe the PA is in danger, but two things are obvious. First, the Palestinian Street is finally growing tired of false reforms and the game of musical chairs being played by Arafat's inner circle. Second, when you allow terrorism to grow and blossom because of the convenience that said terrorism is aimed outward, don't be surprised when the day comes when the bastards turn and look over their shoulder at you. We may be seeing it in the Palestinian areas soon. We've seen it in Saudi. We've seen plots stopped in Jordan. The lesson should have been obvious from the start; unfortunately, I'm not sure any of the Arab states have truly learned it.


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